dis is my first time
so do bear with me
baru balik jalan2 terus kejar blog
yeayyyy..blogku sudah comelll
hehe.. hopefully this time it wont be like last time
hot2 chicken shit ja dulu kann
its just dat whenever i really feel like writing, (biasenye time2 tgh bengang tgh sedih tgh rindu(eh??) tgh tension), i cant type wat i really feel because its just too personal to share..
ye, org mesti ckp, ape susah, buat la private kan,
hehe, i just knew dat there is such option
pardon my IT blindness
memalukannye kalau org tau mak system analyst, siap bleh buat2 program
haha..anak nak tulis blog pun terkial2
tp takpe2..bukan susah pun nak blaja
like Betty's brother said 'we're teenagers..technology do not faze us' (hah, ye ke teenager lagi??hoho)
but berbalik kpd topik..haa..dis time i really feel like mantaining this blog
because after ive gone hair-wired(camni ke eja) working like crazy finishing the assignments(which btw, takde la bagus sgt pun hasilnye)
ive been doing some thinking about wat i really wanna do in my life
dulu cam ade citer2 nk jadi writer yang bergaya dan berjaya
heh, tapi tulis blog yg tahpape pun merangkak rangkak lagi
so i guess i need the practise
let see how it goes for this one (insyaAllah..)
Meregulasi ADHD Semasa Menulis Disertasi – Bab Kaedah Penyelidikan
HasrizalAn educator, author, and advocate for inclusive education with a
career spanning leadership, innovation, and personal growth. While locally
1 day ago