so new things about my life so far:
1. I've gotten over my obsessions of korean dramas (well, korean cuties to be exact, Boys Over Flowers' main hero to be precise). U dont know how terrible my obsession can be. Unless u are my housemate and share the same internet connection and realized how often i am hooked on the internet just to satisfy my obsession of the day (and this ranges from a hero of a new released movies such as Robert Pattinson to reality tv stars,such as, err,, tomok. ok, too much information,ehem.) My obsession is so bad that I can be moody, restless, numb, irrational, for one week just thinking about them. there was this one time when I was obsessed over Star Wars characters- Anakin and Amidala, about how tragic and ironic their love is that I almost went crazy being sad for them! Ye, mmg menakutkan ble saye obsess.
So wat change? This one website changed me. Changed me to the extent I want to be a completely different person. This website basically talks about the ways the Kufar has clouded our mind, judgement, our way of thinking about the world and the way we are 'supposed' to lead our lives,etc. by using many ways, dominantly through the mass media and entertainment that we no longer live our lives the way Allah wants us to. This website main aim is to wake the Muslims up and free our mind from all those propaganda that is just there to ruin us, now, and hereafter.
I TOTALLY recommend you guys to check it out. One of the article I read at the blog was about Dajal, and this one really freaked me out. Freaked me out to the extent saye takut dan saye insaf. Kne bace sendiri utk rase. Kite mungkin rase, ala, lame lagi kut kiamat. Rileks lar. ye ke? tahun baru hari tu gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari terjadi hanye selang seminggu from each other, and both on Friday. tahun baru hari tu jugak kite dikejutkan dgn mcm2 bencana alam di merata dunia. Mcm mane kalau? so BE PREPARE. semoga kite tak termasuk dlm golongan2 yang menyesal, AMIN YA ALLAH.
that is why, saye berazam utk menjadi muslimah yang lebih baik selepas ini. cube. dan doa jugak bersungguh sungguh Allah tetapkan iman. and saye harap kalau saye lupe, ble bace balik blog ni, saye ingat.
2. On a different note, saye ade buah hati baru (mesti korg kate apehal lak, tadi insaf2 tetibe citer pasal buah hati plak, rileks2, dgr dulu). Name die muszaphar. ala, mcm name angkasawan kite tu la. hensemm. die ni mmg demand my undivided attention la, ketip kuku pun x boleh, nak type2 kat laptop pun x boleh. ngada tul. tidor nak same2, kalau i bangun lmbt die sibuk bising2. die suke ble org garu2 badan die.huh? hehe. unfortunately, he is just a cat..hehehe..oh, tapi bestla ble ade org (oit kucing tu org ke?) nak bermanja manja dgn kita. adik2 i sume da besar2, i buat ngada2 nak peluk pun die jual mahal. kuang asam tul.
Encik mus, buah ati terbaru
3. Saye menghadapi mid 20's crisis.haa. org biase dgr mid age crisis je kann. tapi mmg wujud la crisis ni. cleo pun ckp. i ingat i sorg2 jek yang rase mcm tu. ramai ngupenye. it all started during my visit to Terengganu almost two weeks ago. mase tu gi pasar payang. so mase tanye2 kat salesgirl tu saye da terbiase panggil "kak", skali salesgirl tu tanye, "ni umur brape?" saye jwbla "22", rupe2nye die lagi muda, baru 21. huhu. skali kwn saye menyampuk "22 ape sarah, tahun ni nak masuk 23 laa" 23 u know! 23!ohhh.. terus tertekan ble sedar or dlm bahasa terengganunye "tekkanggg!!". sbbnye saye rase umur ni umur yang org da label as 'dewasa', when in reality i dont feel like an adult at all! keje pun x lagi, masak pun x pandai lagi, future pun x nmpk lagi. menakutkannnnnnnnnnnn. org kiri kanan da kerja, org kiri kanan da kawin. wahhhhhh, da pressure!!
but i guess for now i just have to go with the flow. yela, susah hati tak tentu pasal pun bukan bleh buat apape kan. and I pray that Allah wud give me the best. yang mane boleh improve i'll improve, insyaAllah..
Mendengar dgn tekun nasihat bagaimana menangani mid 20's crisis oleh Dr Eny sambil comot memakan roti
4. And last but not least, wats new with me? Im going to Indonesia tomorrow! the flight is at 9.30 a.m and i havent pack anything yet! packing is my least favourite activity in the world! how am i suppose to pack lightly when everything seems important to me (different shoes suit differents clothes right??) pray for me a safe journey (yes, with all the recent earthquakes going on around the world, it is quite nervewrecking, but u die when u die right, even at your own house, in your own room). To anyone who is reading this(which I very much doubt), have a good weekend ahead, jgn gembira sampai lupe Allah.=))
p/s- i am trying to change my look. to be more muslimah, which means more covered, more sopan, doakan ditetapkan hati!!
and muszaphar just use my precious leather handbag as his scratching post!! tidakkkkkkkkkkk