and i cudden resist escaping from the deathly clutch of my assignments and taking a walk in the sun instead.
right after eny came out of the toilet: 'eny', I called. 'jum kite jalan2 tanpa mengeluarkan duit nak??' i asked her this morning. and she said with a smile 'jum'
that was the start of our sunday outing. yelatu jalan2 tanpa mengeluarkan duit. in my dream. i knew i shudden have bring my purse. from 'jalan2 tanpa mengeluarkan duit' the outing became 'wahhh, banyaknye duit aku abis ariniiii'. hahaha..well, i just cudden resist. im a girl, wattodo.. hehe..
it was fun fighting against the wind (not!) but it wasnt really cold so all of us: me,eny, ore and erin kinda enjoyed it. welly is sure a weird place; there can be summer, winter, autumn in one day. i guess global warming might be the culprit of this weird weather.
wat a boring entry huh? haha.i just want to have the reason to show off the lovely pictures that eny took (of course they are lovely! because its featuring ME.hehe). here goes

malam plak. tetibe gatal nak tgk gmbr2 kawin. haha. bukan sbb nak kawin, tapi sbb wedding are beautiful:the emotion, the energy, the atmosphere, the people, all of it. seeing them makes me happy. or so i thought. huhu.
somehow i managed to stumble into this one wedding photography website featuring this one lovely couple.well, lovely is the understatement of the year. they are gorgeous!(just google anas and aliah and website with pictures of them will pop-up) the husband is dashing and the bride is stunning. and i got really jealous.fullstop. and it makes me wishing for things that i dont have. sha said 'stop torturing yourself sarah'. haha.. i didnt do it on purpose sha..
but its not long before i came back to my sense. why the heck am i wasting time wishing for things that will only be decided by Allah. Allah knows wats the best for me and wat i will get and all i have to do is pray for the best.
well dats the thing about me. i am easily carried away by unnecessary stuffs. i guess i gotta work hard to improve that.huh