a muslim first.
a daughter.
a sister.
a friend.
a listener.
a critique.
a laugher.
a cryer.
above all, a slave to Allah s.w.t.
im not perfect, far from it, but i try to be perfect enough to the ones i love.
im not a saint, i keep making mistakes, keep forgetting my place,conscious and unconsciously ive sinned, but I pray that i would always come back to Allah and ask for forgiveness.
im not beautiful, ppl never stop to look at me twice, but i hope i can be beautiful inside, because that is where Allah really looks at.
im not a warrior, never the fighting type, but I choose to be brave if I have to fight for my religion, my family and my friends.
i write when im upset, when im happy, when im angry, when i want to. i write for me. and sometimes for others to0. but 1st of all its for me. so pls read dont judge. pls comment pls correct me if im wrong.
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
Hasrizal “Macam mana kamu hulur pisau tu?” Opah menegur saya. Seorang anak
kecil di usia sekolah rendah. Mungkin ketika itu saya berusia tujuh atau
lapan t...
Kamaliah's 27th Birthday
One morning not a long time ago, as I was preparing to go to class, I
heard Kamaliah say:
“Semalam abang tengok ratio lelaki:perempuan untuk predict anak ...
Thinking of Things to Write
In all seriousness, I have forgotten how this blog works. It took me quite
a while to figure out, where that “add new post” tab is. This might have
been th...
Have Faith!
In the name of Allah, All-Knowing.
It's been a while since I last wrote here. In fact, it feels a little
awkward to even write an entry here. Life has bee...
Harini macam biasa aku ke padang dengan anak anak. Kalif suka bawak
basikal dia. Walaupun tak kayuh , sebab aku syak dia malas bawak badan dia
tu , tapi d...
Be alright
It's the time of the year again when I'm updating this blog as a mean to
escape from doing my assignments.
Honestly I just don't see the ...
Cafe hunting in Seoul.
If you've been following me on instagram, i am sure you'll know that I'm a
coffee addict. For me happiness is coffee. I love coffee so much. I love to
twenty fourteen.
Dua orang pasangan ternama duduk bersantai di ruang tamu. Disamping mereka
terdengar bunyi pancutan air dari kolam di halaman luar rumah. Dihidangkan
i miss the old us
It's the chasing that I miss. When we were first starting to get to know
each other, you were always available. You were the one who always made the
Ibn Khaldun: Cukai dan Jatuh Bangun Empayar
Bicara tentang ketamadunan dan prinsip-prinsip dasar didalamnya, pasti
tidak boleh lepas dari memasukkan buah fikiran seorang tokoh ilmuan besar
Islam bern...
Sapaan hikmah dari bakal khalifah
Alhamdulillah...Maha Suci Allah yang mengurniakan nikmat yang tidak
terhitung kepada hamba2Nya. Di dalam kesukaran perjuangan hidup
sehari-harian untuk me...
in solidarity
Dear Mona, You don't know me - but I have just read your wonderful book,
From Gaza with Love. It was given to me as a present last month by my dear
friend ...
A Brand New Beginning.
Assalamualaikum friends!
Well you guys must be wondering why did I remove all my posts. It's
because I'm gonna start it all over again. Most of the entrie...