Truth to be told, I have always wanted my life to be like in a movie
And I kind of got what I wish for
But its not the kind of genre that I would have preferred- romantic, comedy, adventure
No. Far from that- it is sad, melancholic and tragic all the way
Every possible scene u have watched in a sad movie, some of it might resemble my life
Sometimes it's up to the point of absurdity, even I cannot believe I am really living this kind of life. Sometimes I kind of feel acting in a cerekarama waiting for the director to yell "cut!". If only it is that easy. But no, this is not some kind of movie, this is my life we are talking about.
I have always hate sad movie, even more so if its a sad ending. But I read someone's status today quoting John Lennon - " Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end"
I so want to believe this. Can I believe this? Cuz at the rate I am going right now, i am really hating this part of my life right now. I cant totally wait for the sad part to finally ends and for the happy part to finally starts.
Can I? Do I deserve a happy ending after all?
Meregulasi ADHD Semasa Menulis Disertasi – Bab Kaedah Penyelidikan
HasrizalAn educator, author, and advocate for inclusive education with a
career spanning leadership, innovation, and personal growth. While locally
2 days ago
Ofcourse you deserve a happy ending. Happy or sad sebenarnya kita yang tentukan. I know it's easier said than done and I always hate it when people say that to me. But actually, they're right, if kita nak happy then mmg kene happykan diri sendiri I guess. I don't know what you're going through right now but I know you are strong enough to go through it and will come out stronger :)
Allah takkan uji lebih dari kita mampu, so I know you are able to go through it :)
You know how sometimes we look at other people and we wish we're living their life? Tapi sebenarnya we don't know what they're going through too...dari luaran nampak happy, but we don't know the sadness and the pain that they're going through.
So I guess, just take one day at a time, find something positive about the day, be happy :) appreciate the small things, find a hobby/something you love, don't limit yourself and don't think too much. sbb takut nanti kita too focused on being miserable that kita rugi masa yg kita ada.
this is a reminder for myself too sebenarnya. I always feel mcm my life is uninteresting, boring, hard...but then, i rasa if i keep feeling mcm tu then nanti one day I realise i wasted my younger years being depressed and sad.
take care ok, smile :)
Sar, are u okay? pm me if u need someone to listen.
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