haih.. huhu.. im almost there.. da nak siap sgt da esaimen ni.. tinggal last section je.. but im stuckk!! im stuck.. and i cant move on to other things until i get this stuff done.
so dgn harapan i cud be un-stuck dgn membuang mase buat benda lain, tetibe rase nak upload gmbr the new addition to my family of shoes! introducinggggg mr boot!! (a girl can never have too much shoe right??right) ok. saye tak bli skinny jeans lagi,so nmpk pelik sket pakai ngan suar ni, tp boleh laa.. hehe..
gmbr2 ni diambik pade satu hari yg terang dan cantik (huuu, rindu panas malaysia!). eny yg suke dedaunan autumn tidak dpt menahan dari memotografikannye and I gladly volunteered to be the not-very-top model. hehe. kpd mama and ayah, ni la die rupe umah sarah kat sini.
oh, and while i was waiting for the pictures to load, tetibe hujan batu kat luar. haha. jakun skejap.lari2 tadah tgn. mcmla snow yg turun kan.. today's weather is really weird. kadang2 ujan, pastu windy gler, pastu tetibe terang benderang, pastu ujan balik.. huhu. all the same: SEJUKKKKK OKAYYY!! dat must be the reason I cant finish my assignment.huh.my brain is frozen!!
huhu. berusahalah sarah. berakit rakit dahulu bersenang senang kemudian. bertahan utk one more week before u get to meet ur parents and sisters! gee, lagi 4 hari je ok.wehuuuu.. tak sabar. ok now, esaimen tym!! (BIG sigh..)
Bukan stakat hail je, it was snowing!
I was very much excited "dancing" in the hail, catch the icedrops with hands, and I thought it was just an optic illusion to my eyes when it snowed. I was thinking, "Snow in Welly? Na'ah, plain impossible!" yet a friend of mine showed me a news from NZ Herald reporting snow in Wellington! Hee~
Hope my suggestions helped? Just buzz me if you need help to proofread your essay or anything else. And all the best for that last part eh?
~p/s: The two last photos looked cool. Four thumbs up!
how do u tell snow from a hail??
Not sure. But I really think I saw snow falling. Because. Unlike hail, snow doesn't hurt when it falls on your face or touch your body.
But still, today was the best weather I have ever experienced in my whole 22-year of life!
best weather?? u are one weird guy. im almost crazy in this cold big house afraid that my fingers might get amputated sbb frost bite(ok, im exaggerating here, but u get wat i mean)
so terpaksa la pakai heater (takutnye3 bil)
guess wat, i just know wat estimated reading for bil letrik means. aritu cam lega bil letrik murah walaupun da pasang heater. rupe2 nye tu estimated reading jeee..huhu..
kne buat pilihan, mati beku ke mati pokai. i'd rather mati pokai kut.
p/s- only last two photos?? pnat aku pose susah2..hahaha..
Ari nie memang saaangat sejuk. Kitorang pon pasang heater. Aku siap ada dua hot water bottles letak bawah duvet lagi. Nyaman je nap tadi. Hee~
Owh, ari tue time melawat Izz aku ada explain kat Eny pasal beza actual ngan estimated reading untuk bills. Laila yg bagitau aku time aku borak2 ngan dia ari tue.
Owh yeah, why not try hot water bottles? Very nice, I tell you.
~p/s: Eh, I didn't say the first two are bad. But you look cuter in the last two photos?
~p/p/s: Well yeah, I'm one weird chap as I am. Lalala~
cik sar..ltak la link kt blog ko..apelah..pengusaha blog x maju tol ko ni..cpat2 ltak link..aku bg green lite ltak link aku ngan cik cha..hihi..
aku x reti la weyy..haha..camne??
camne ko jumpe blog aku pun?
Urm . . . utk link, pegi kat "customise" pastu "add gadget" then cari le gadget utk friend list or link.
Ala Sarah, teknologi skang hebat. Nak cari blog orang senang je. Kalo tak Google, bole je gune traffic feed utk trace visitors. Ehehe~
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