assalamualaikum and hello helloo hellooo (bayangkan hello tu mcm bergema gema)
I finally got access to the internet after buying a prepaid broadband and alhamdulillah its quite fast and reliable (although a tad expensive. the modem itself is rm100, starter pack rm12 plus kne bayar 18 bucks some more for one week of internet, unlimited. ok ke ha? its rm 50 for a month tp tadi x cukup duit nk byr hihu). that has always been the problem with me. I cant really decide if one deal is a good deal. I used to depend on other people to think for me but since I am so far away from the people I used to rely on, I had to make a lot of decisions for myself. hihu. and sometimes i dont even get a clue whether ive been cheated on or what.
anyway, tomorrow is going to be the first time I'll be going to the new school-mrsm mukah. a bit nervous. have a lot more to tell about me being here so far but i guess not tonight. its 12.30 am and i dont wanna be a zombie teacher tomorrow so I better hit the sack now. Pray the best for me. Please pray the staffs and the students will like me, hihihuu.
p/s- i miss kelana jayaaaa, rumah no 22.. eh, no 21.. hehehe
p/s2- wat a useless entry huh? hehe. im just excited about getting internet access i just need to write something. might delete this later. nyte2
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