once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. well, at least in my case. huhu.
I intended on starting my MDIA 102 assignment since last monday and guess what, its already saturday and I havent written a word.zero. nada
bkn taknak buat. saye btul2 tak tau nak buat camne. and i cant help but questioning myself whether taking this paper is really the right decision? helpppppppppppppppppp.
sbb cuak sgt tak start apape lagi, i type the question. kunun2 menyedapkan hati da taip sket. (YELATU SARAHHH!! soalan tak masuk dalam wordcounts ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
takutnye takutnye takutnyeeeeeeeeeeeeee... so malam ni nak tak nak kne try gak at least da type 500, ok??? jgn berlengah lengah lagi wahai diri sendiri.
u can do it!! huk!!
xpe2. pasni solat hajat mintak tolong Allah mudahkan. sesungguhnye Dia lah sandaran terbaik.
sape2 yang bace post ni sorylah sbb post ni merapu. (oh, mcm sebelum ni tak merapu je cik sarrr.)
i need to write this in order to push myself. da byk sgt memain,huhu. ok, go sarah go!! lwan setan montel yang bergayut gayut kat mate tu
anyway,today i am thankful to Allah for:
keeping my loved ones safe wherever they are and for the biggest nikmat: iman and islam
p/s- i miss vacationing with my family. i miss vacation. which is not coming anytime soon. haish. sarah, remember u've vowed to urself dat u will stop grumbling??
Meregulasi ADHD Semasa Menulis Disertasi – Bab Kaedah Penyelidikan
HasrizalAn educator, author, and advocate for inclusive education with a
career spanning leadership, innovation, and personal growth. While locally
2 days ago
go go sarah!!
ooo..bz dgn esaimen ke..
pdanla x reply txt kte..huhu
iA mdia is d best paper 4 u.
who knows kn?
jgn mengeluh sarah~
cik hot chocolate..aku link blog kamoooo
All the best!
Cam pesanan cik Sha, jangan mengeluh. Sebab skali kita ngeluh, determination dalam hati kita jadi makin lemah dan kita akan mula persoalkan kemampuan kita untuk buat sesuatu. Ingat, Allah tak bebankan manusia dengan sesuatu yang mereka tak mampu. :')
Sometimes the best way to do something isn't by piling things up. It's to do things little by little, one little step at a time. The more things to do in so little time will only add more burden to yourself.
Owh, ini nasihat untuk diri sendiri yang juge slalu jadi procrastinator. Uuu~
~p/s: Kalo cam rasa stuck tue, cuba cakap-cakap ngan sesapa. From my experience, talking to friends when I'm stuck with something usually shed some light of what needs be done. Hope that helps a bit. :')
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